Ain't A Fashionista.

Assalamualaikum, readers. 

I know I had been blogging about my events that happened in my life and honestly, it got boring, don't you think so? Well, I will try to do more outfit posts. Actually, the reason I did not blog about my outfits because I am too simple. Very simple. Now, I am trying to play around with colours. I am not some expert. I am not trying to be a fashionista or to attract attention or to gain likes. If I like a top, I will wear it again and again until I get bored. Of course with different bottoms. I envy those hijabis who dare to wear colourful outfits or even wear turban out. I am self-conscious, I tell you. Very. However, now, I learnt not to care about what others might think. When I went out, I will try to mix and match. If I don't start now, when?

However, I dislike pweens. Be it zebra or leopard. And reptiles skin too. Call me, old-fashioned or anything you like, I just don't like. Reptiles made me go ewww. I just don't like the touch of it. Aztec is much preferred or even, tribal prints, is it the same??

Well. I think as I grow up, I began to have this strong desire to dress up. I began to look for a reference so that I will have different look especially going to school. Look at fashion bloggers for inspirations. Buy fashion magazines. Just anything with fashion. I am in love. (: 

Here are some outfits that I wore: 

It wasn't like the fashionistas thing you know. I am still learning how to be in trend and the same time, modest. If you ask me where were all these photos taken, it was at Perth. Yeah, went there for a 2 weeks holiday. Will post that up soon, if I can, if possible before school reopens. I will try okay. 

So yeah, thats all, I guess. I will try to post more outfit posts okay? (:  


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