
Do not expect something in return when you are doing something good. 
Do it because of GOD, do it because you wanted to help that person. 
For me, I do it because of Allah s.wt and of course, helping that person. 

assalamualaikum, readers. 

Lets talk something different today, okay? Something that everyone know and do. Charity. Yes, charity. For your information, charity is not just about giving money to those who are in need. Charity is more than that. Charity is when giving of help to those in need who are not related to the giver which is you in this context.One example is GAZA. You don't know the people at all but you still help them. Why? Because they are in need of help. Some of us visited them while most of us prayed for them. Certain countries raised funds through their own ways, See? We don't know them but we still help them, why? I tell you why, because they are our brothers and sisters in islam. 

Okay, GAZA aside. Lets talk in our own country, in Singapore. Have you heard of Wake The Bull Project? Some of you may heard of it, some of you may not. Well, let me tell you about it. 


Let me tell you about the purpose and who is it for. First, it is about Mr Shahril Salim which is the bull himself. He is currently in SGH, in coma. The reason why this project is created is to gain awareness to people about his plight and also collect funds to ease his medical treatments and others. You may read in the newspaper or heard about it. I am supporting this not because he is a boxer but because he is a brother of -islam. I don't know him but I want to help him. Please-please spread this to everyone. This is just a brief description about the whole thing. For full details, please visit this website, Wake The Bull Project. Just click on it okay? Thank you for helping. (: May allah bless you. (: 

You know, I've always wanted to do more for the society. Whenever I read a blog or tv shows about how artists or celebrities visited an orphanage home or refugee camp, I envied them real much. Like you know, sometimes I wished I was them. I cannot contribute much for now as I am a student and I am still depending on my parents for my allowance. 

Guess what is my biggest dream? To paint the orphanage house, to buy new bedsheets for them, to help them live in a better place and most importantly, to see them smile. (: 

[Photo Credits: wehearit]

In shaa allah, it will come true one day. Amin. Goodnights for now. (: 


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