Beneficial Thursday.

assalamualaikum, readers.
I made a decision. I heard enough from both two sides but if you don't go and try it yourself, you won't know whether it was good or not. The decision is to go to syamail's class. I hesitated for too long. I've realised if you want to learn something new, you have to step it up. Lagi-lagi ilmu allah.

I texted one of my close friend and alhamdulilah, yesterday was my first class and more to come. I am glad I get to watch the last series of maulid special. And since we had more time to kill, we did  a mini photo shoot before class. 

Presenting NadNad, who was the 
photographer for the day. (:

Insha'allah, there will be more to come.
Happy CNY and happy holidays.

"It does not matter when was the last time you visited Allah's house, its doors are always open for you."


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