Diploma Graduation 2016.

assalamualaikum, readers!

I have officially graduated from Republic Polytechnic with a Diploma!!  Alhamdulilah.
And here is a thank you post for everyone I am going to mention. Spare me for this post hor. Cause I have been waiting for graduation day since forever. Okay and here it is!

Thank you to:

1. Ayah & Ibu: 
Despite you not knowing the school system, what I studied and the modules I had to repeat, both of you still give me support even though you made fun of me sometimes. You were there ibu to tell me its okay when I saw 'F' on my result slip. You told me to be strong every time I failed. Thank you for that support ibu! Your hugs during the times I needed it made it all better!

For ayah, thank you for still believing in me! And giving me green light to do degree in the future. I know your desire to complete your studies but you couldn't due to financial reasons. Someday, Ayah, I will make that dream of yours come true! Meanwhile, lets make your other dream come true first! Bukan kahwin lagi satu la, pergi haji la. Mudah-mudahan allah setuju! 

2. Year 4(s)

I knew how shattered your hearts were when our batch graduated last year. I knew how hard the year was for us but we made it. We finally made it. Despite what people said about us, we finally graduated. Wipe your tears and keep on persevering. May this become a lesson and also motivation for you to succeed in life! all the best for NS(guys) and your future endeavours! 

3.  Pentas Karyawan

Be it the seniors or juniors batch, whoever you are, you've made my 4 years in school, worthwhile. All the productions and stage moments we shared, are deeply appreciated. They are some who have drifted apart and there are some that I am still in contact with. Still, I appreciate each presence with good or bad memories that comes together with it. I am glad that this is over and I realize that there are things that you sacrificed and it might not be worthwhile. And people do not appreciate your sacrifices at all. And to the juniors, thanks for being my kiddos that I love and adore. Thank you for the grad gift board(you know who you are). The mrt rides, the small talks we had, every single thing, zu will not forget! Thank you a million times! 

4. Friends, Mostly, my girlfriends! 

Without their support and motivation, I may not pull through the 4 years. Their constant care and reminder. Alhamdulilah for them. Thank you for being there for me all the time! Friends that always remind me that I have to graduate. Friends that become my sidekicks! :) their kind words through texts. them asking me about everything!

5. Happy Pills
We got closer due to one incident. And we got even closer after that. That kept my whatsapp busy. That can have more than 1 topic discussed at 1 time. That motivates me when I needed it. That I can hug and kiss without being embarrassed except for shahril! HAHAHA. That got me scored a big brother, elder sister, a twin plus 6 younger sisters. HAHAHA. always love you. always. fillah. 

Thus, this marks the end of my polytechnic education of 4 years. Finally, releasing this post! 

Official Graduation Stage Photos

Post-Graduation Photoshoot

till then,
thanks for reading it! 

with love, 

PS: Photos for the photoshoot are taken from Shariffah Nadia's Google Plus! 



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