Untitled #2.

We began as strangers.

I don't know you.
You don't know me either.

I knew a quarter of your story.
You knew mine.

We were almost like twins.
Just that the opposite sex.

You told me the biggest secret.
No one knew except your friends and me.

You were supposed to get married to her two weeks ago.
But you left because you were scarred.

You chose to leave to save yourself.
People who does not know your story may thought you were selfish.
But you were actually protecting yourself.

At first, you kept it safe.
You told me you were okay.
But I know you wasn't.

On the very day you supposed to get married,
you texted me,
"I loved her but she wasn't convinced.
 I put down my dignity and pride but she took advantage.
 I gave her love but she gave me pain."

At that point, I imagined the sorrow in your eyes.
The ache in your heart,
The cold sweat on your hands.
Your lips probably shivered.

I kept quiet as you ranted on and on,
And when you were done,
All I could say was "Istighfar. Allah will replace that pain with something better."

You said, "Are you the person that Allah sends?"


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