Lawau Girls.

Best people for my 1st Semester in RP. 
And, I have to be separated from them. 

assalamualaikum, readers. (: Semester 1 is RP had ended already. I am left with my final exams for those modules and I am done with Sem 1 officially. Above is the people whom I met for this semester. The girls who made my 15 weeks full of laughter and merepek-ness, whom never failed to entertain me with their silly antics and also, I am glad that I am able to make them happy. RP is not like a normal poly where we would stick with our classmates, we change our classmates every semester. I am trying to take it the positive way which is meeting new people and widen my social circle. CHEYYYY(: 

This post is for them, LAWAU GIRLS.

" Thanks for being part of my life. I am glad that I met you girls. I am glad too that I got to fast with you girls during Ramadhan and get to celebrate Raya too. Sempat pergi visiting lagi. hehehe. All the best for your exams. Buat betul-betul ye. Mudah-mudahan, kita semua lulus. (: Too many things to type here. Bila part luahkan benda macam gini, I cannot say it face-to face, hehehe. Saya tak pandai bermain kata-kata. Chey, aiseybedah. Hehe.  Ye, aisyah, saya tau, blogging is #toomainstream. But, it had been years and I just love blogging. Hehs. I just have one more wish which is to be able to take graduation photo with you girls. Aku tau lah, 1st year belum habis and minah ni dah cakap pasal graduation, aku cakap je kan. (: Its toooooooooo early to say it but I know that day will come true someday (: Dan, Saaaaayang kamu semua. (:  Akhir kata, bila sedih, tengoklah video tu semua ye. Semoga dapat ceriakan anda. hehehe.  "

Okay, dah. I am supposed to be studying but its too cold (ALASAN!) and prolly I will wake up early a little bit to finish up the revision on cognitive before the guests come over later for visiting. (:
 okay, good mornights. (: 


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