
assalamualaikum, readers(: 

Yesterday, I've attended religious classes at syamail and since this month, it is mawlid series, they invited local artiste in the music scene to come and share their talent and experiences. Yesterday, they invited Ashmi & Syirah Jusni also, Ustaz Fizar. Both Ashmi & treeSyirah Jusni are actors and actress on Suria, for your information. Ustaz Zahid(the host) asked both of them about perception of others towards them in reality. 

They shared that people find them arrogant if they don't smile to fans in public. Just because of that. The reason I tak tegur artis kat luar because I respect their space. Well, actually, I am shy. HAHAHAHA. Well, I am really am a shy person! 

Since we are still at it, I need to change some perception of others towards me. I just feel the need to explain even though it does not matter to you but it matters to me.

First of all, when I said, I am staying at maisonette, they all will go, "wah, kayanya kau!(so rich ah you!)" Okay, alhamdulilah for that but like where you are staying, it is still a HDB flat and it really takes a lot of effort to clean the house. So if you meant it sarcastically, I suggest you stop okay? And, maisonette was my dad's dream house. And his dream came true. He kept the whole house clean. Literally. 

Secondly, I don't like when I said I have financial issues and people don't believe I do cause I lived in a maisonette house and my mom is a nurse. Honestly, it is not easy. My dad worked too. But, it is not easy but I thanked Allah for giving me parents whom never gave up, who kept me going despite us being financially tight sometimes, who are always the positive parents and kept us together as one family. 

Thirdly and lastly, even though sometimes we are financially tight, we have the luxury to travel here and there. Itu pun orang cakap. My parents are the type where we don't wallow in sadness all the time. We can go camping or go malaysia. Rezeki tu pasti ada. My parents always tell me even if you nangis ke apa ke, it won't change the whole situation. Even though, what we have is little but at least, we have a shelter over our head, food on the table and my parents believed even if you are financially tight, keep giving to others, of course, do it sincerely. 

Let me end this by saying, others may have a positive or negative perception of you but what matters that it does not affect you. Honestly, it affects me a little. I grew with it. Whatever their perception towards you, in the end, you don't owe them anything. I ignored a lot till sometimes I had enough and just want to yell at them but I held it in. Cause I felt it is not worth it. So apa motive nya sekarang ni? I just need to get it off my chest! 

That's all! Have a great day!



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